Volume 16: Pages 398-404, 2003
Velocity Correlation Derived from the Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Peter Tanguay
12 Colonial Club Dr., Apt. 104, Boynton Beach, FL 33435‐8313 U.S.A.
A velocity correlation is investigated and developed from the transactional interpretation (TI) of quantum mechanics. This assigns frame‐invariant and relative velocities to waves and particles, respectively, as defined by TI with modifications for particles with mass. The theoretical support for this correlation is investigated using Minkowski space‐time and the quasi‐classical state. The experimental support is investigated using the lifetime of the μ‐meson, the double right angle prism beam splitter experiment by Y. Mizobuchi and Y. Ohtake, and several others. A time‐dilation experiment is proposed that has not been performed and would give different results from current theory. The proposed theory is analyzed and presented in a Minkowski‐like geometry.
Keywords: special relativity, quantum mechanics, Lorentz transformations, transactional interpretation, action at a distance, time dilation, frame‐invariant velocity, nonlocality
Received: August 21, 2003; Published online: December 15, 2008