An International Journal Dedicated to Fundamental Questions in Physics
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Volume 27 No. 3 (September 2014)
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1. Nina Sotina, Derivation of Schrödinger equation from the laws of classical mechanics, structures in physical vacuum
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2. Jonathan Phillips, Reconsidering the validation of multi-electron standard quantitative quantum mechanics
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3. Engel Roza, The H-type quark and the baryons (supplement)
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4. I. I. Guseinov, Combined open shell Hartree–Fock theory of atomic and molecular systems constructed from noncharged scalar particles
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5. Ling Jun Wang, On the flatness of spacetime
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6. P. Fielitz and G. Borchard, The K-Trumpler effect in the context of a generalized information transfer concept
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7. Changwei Hu, Derivation of the relativistic equations from classical continuum mechanics on the basis of a macroscopic vacuum
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8. Anna C. M. Backerra, The quantum-mechanical foundations of gravity
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9. Xiao-Song Wang, Derivation of the Schrödinger equation based on a fluidic continuum model of vacuum and a sink model of particles
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12. Josip Šoln, Theoretical particle limiting velocity from the bicubic equation: Neutrino example
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10. Özdoğan Gündüz and Güngör Gündüz, The phase space interpretation of the Le Chatelier–Braun principle and its generalization as a principle of natural philosophy
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11. Peter Kos, On the meaning of Einstein’s relativity—Scientific review of and philosophical reflection on Einstein’s theory of special relativity
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13. Thomas E. Phipps, Jr., An accurate altimeter for aircraft and spacecraft
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14. Janusz Drożdżyński, A revision of the time dilation effect in the special theory of relativity
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15. Emmanuel Markakis and Christopher Provatidis, A new hypothesis for particle composition of matter based on only three functional quantum entities and three forces
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16. Wei Ming, Long distance motion parallel to the magnetic field direction of charged oil droplets in a magnetic field
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17. Ajay Sharma, Isaac Newton, Leonhard Euler and F=ma
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