E. Panarella
Senior Editor
M.H. Brill
Associate Editors
E.G. Haug C. Roychoudhuri
Editorial Board
P. Amendt, University of California E. Arimondo, University of Pisa E.I. Bitsakis, University of Athens D. Censor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev S. Giani, CERN Geneva M. Inokuti, Argonne National Laboratory L. Kostro, University of Gdansk L. Qiu, Academia Sinica R. P. Rau, Louisiana State University M.O. Scully, University of New Mexico I.P. Shkarofsky, MPB Technologies, Inc. E. Sindoni, University of Milan L. Sobrino, University of British Columbia G. Vahala, College of William and Mary L. Vahala, Old Dominion University
Physics Essays is an international journal dedicated to theoretical and experimental aspects of fundamental problems in physics and, generally, to the advancement of basic knowledge of physics.
The Journal will endeavour to reflect the environment in which best research is carried out, by providing a stimulating publication outlet for both the expression of ideas and the reporting of results within the rigor of the scientific discipline with which the Journal is concerned.
Articles submitted for publication will be reviewed by scientific peers. Realizing the interchangeable roles of authors and reviewers, the positive aspect of the reviewing process will be retained by providing the authors with the reviewers’ comments. Each author should judge which parts of the reviewers’ suggestions are appropriate to improve the quality of his or her paper. The editor, who is responsible for the Journal, will allow a large degree of freedom to the authors in this process.
Different points of view will be accepted as long as they are logically sound and well balanced in their exposition, until the process of truth searching naturally reaches a stage of a convincing argument in favor of one point of view or the other.
The editorial board members will assist the editor in the formulation of editorial policies. They are scholars from several disciplines of physics, from spectroscopy to quantum mechanics, from electromagnetic theory to astrophysics, from space physics to mathematical methods in physics, from plasma physics to philosophical aspects of physics, from chemical physics to relativity. Their scientific competence will be called upon to advise the editor on subjects within their field of knowledge.
Only full articles will be considered, without limitation on their length. Whenever necessary, long articles will be divided in suitable parts and published in consecutive issues of the Journal.
Invited papers, book reviews, and other articles of interest will also be occasionally published.
Journal Founders (In Memoriam)
H. Umezawa, Editorial Board member, †1995
G. Herzberg, Nobel Prize 1971, Editorial Board member, †1999
U. Fano, Editorial Board member, †2001
W.M. Honig, Editorial Board member, †2003
W. Arunasalam, Associate Editor, †2005
T.E. Phipps, Jr., Editorial Board member, †2016
A.D. Allen, Editorial Board member, †2017
P. Raychaudhuri, Editorial Board member, †2018
Published by Physics Essays Publication through KGL Knowledge Works Ltd. Copyright © 2025 Physics Essays Publication.
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ISSN 0836-1398 (print); 2371-2236 (online)