An International Journal Dedicated to Fundamental Questions in Physics
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Volume 33 No. 1 (March 2020)
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J. M. Kerr, An interactions-based interpretation for quantum mechanics
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2. V. N. Salomatov, Klein–Gordon and Schrödinger equations for a free particle in the rest frame
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3. Jan Slowak, Mathematics shows that the Lorentz transformations are not self-consistent
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4. Stephen J. Crothers, Special relativity and the Lorentz sphere
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5. Nicolus Rotich, Why Newtonian gravity is an electromagnetic wave
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6. Suniti K. Ghoshal, Formulation of a more realistic quantum equation for rectifying the hidden flaws in Planck’s black body equation
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7. Chong Wang, A new equation for a mass and its speed
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8. José M. Frade, Quantum transition between spaces in a multidimensional Universe and spatial unconnectivity explain free will and solve the measurement problem of quantum mechanics
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Brian B. K. Min, The photon element units and their relativistic properties
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10. Espen Gaarder Haug, Collision-space-time: Unified quantum gravity
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11. Cyrus Master-Khodabakhsh, An alternative to special relativity: How a flawed experiment and misunderstanding of the fundamental laws of physics diverted physicists from their logical path
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12. Richard Oldani, Reference systems and their origins
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13. Tong Wang, Massless configuration and its physical effect
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14. Masanori Sato, De Broglie waves, the Schrödinger equation, and relativity. I. Exclusion of the rest mass energy in the dispersion relation
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15. Reiner Georg Ziefle, Newtonian quantum gravity
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