Volume 16: Pages 365-374, 2003
The Electrodynamics Forms Concurrent to the Dirac Electron Theory
Alexander G. Kyriakos
Saint‐Petersburg State Institute of Technology, St. Petersburg, Russia
In the present paper the following is shown: (1) In a special case it is possible to describe the Dirac electron theory in the form of the Maxwell theory. (2) A complete correspondence exists between the quantum and the electromagnetic forms so that each element of the Dirac theory acquires the known electrodynamics meaning and vice versa. (3) At the base of the quantum and the electromagnetic forms of the electron theory lies the nonlinear equation that in a limit case turns into the linear Dirac or Maxwell equations. (4) The Lagrangian density expression for quantum and electromagnetic forms (linear or nonlinear) corresponds to the results obtained in both the quantum and the electromagnetic theories. The following question is discussed: Do the quantum and the electromagnetic forms describe the same electron theory or is it just a coincidence?
Keywords: quantum electrodynamics, nonlinear field equation, quantum mechanics interpretation
Received: October 18, 2002; Published online: December 15, 2008