2. Miguel Lunetta, Active Space as a Source of Inertia

$25.00 each

Volume 16: Pages 343-348, 2003

Active Space as a Source of Inertia

Miguel Lunetta

Caixa Postal 1144Centro, CEP 58010970, João Pessoa — PB — Brazil

We suppose that, according to a model of interaction with an electron, space acts perpetually on moving particles. When a force is applied, the acceleration occurs as result of the superposition of accelerative and inertial forces. But when the application of the force ceases, the particle continues to move, by virtue of the interaction of active space, which originates a de Broglie monochromatic field associated with the particle, whose group velocity is constant. A wavefunction, which is an exact solution of a onedimensional Schrödinger partial differential equation, provides the values of the gravitational and inertial forces through which the traditional inertia comes out of nature's scenery and gives rise to an uptodate causal model.

Keywords: gravitational force, inertial force, active space, de BroglieEinstein postulate, Schrödinger wave equation

Received: October 7, 1999; Published online: December 15, 2008