2. Ulf Horsing, Space/Antispace Universe — A Geometrical Interpretation of the Standard Model in a Higher‐Dimensional Universe


Volume 20: Pages 158-168, 2007

Space/Antispace Universe — A Geometrical Interpretation of the Standard Model in a HigherDimensional Universe

Ulf Horsing 1

1Apartado no. 60, 30850 Totana, Spain

The standard model of particle physics is reviewed in a framework consisting of four fullscale, mutually orthogonal (3 + 1) dimensional spaces, where fields and elementary particles are explained as manifestations of space elements partly alien to the space of the observer. This reveals the fundamental symmetry between gravity and electromagnetism and allows the strong force to be accounted for by a dual symmetry (SU(2)) instead of the triangular symmetry (SU(3)) of quantum chromodynamics.

Keywords: higherdimensional universe, grand unified theory (GUT), standard model, elementary particle structure, gravitation

Received: April 1, 2005; Published Online: March 26, 2009