Volume 24: Pages 523-525, 2011
The Higgs field and gravity
David W. Talmagea)
University of Colorado School of Medicine, 290 S. Fairfax St. Denver, Colorado 80246, USA
Both Newton and Einstein considered the vector gravitational force as the primary effect of the gravitational field or of the curvature of space time. The Newtonian gravitational potential was considered as an integral of that force and secondary to it. The purpose of the present paper is to explore the possibility and advantages of considering the Newtonian potential as a scalar field that is the primary gravitational field, and the vector force as a secondary effect of a gradient in the potential. On the basis of this hypothesis it is suggested that the Higgs scalar field and the gravitational scalar field both determine the mass of matter particles.
Newton et Einstein considéraient tous deux la force de gravitation comme l'effet primaire du champ de gravitation ou courbure de l'espace-temps. Le potentiel de gravitation newtonien était considéré comme un intégral de cette force dont il dépendait. Cette étude a pour objet d'explorer la possibilité et les avantages qu'il y a a` considérer le potentiel newtonien comme un champ scalaire qui serait le champ de gravitation primaire, et la force comme effet secondaire d'un gradient de ce potentiel. Sur la base de cette hypothèse nous tenterons de montrer que le champ scalaire de Higgs et le champ scalaire de gravitation déterminent tous deux la masse des particules matérielles.
Keywords: Higgs Field, Brans-Dicke Field, Newtonian Gravitational Potential, Gravity, Clock Rate, Scalar Field, mass Determination
Received: August 10, 2011; Accepted: September 17, 2011; Published Online: December 1, 2011
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