17. Amrit S. Šorli, and Štefan Čelan, Mass gap problem and Planck constant

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Volume 34: Pages 385-388, 2021

Mass gap problem and Planck constant

Amrit S. Šorli1,a) and Štefan Čelan2,b)

1Bijective Physics Institute, Gorenja Trebuša 79, 5280 Idrija, Slovenia

2ScientificResearch Centre, Bistra, Slovenski trg 6, 2250 Ptu, Slovenia

The mass gap problem is about defining the constant that defines the minimal excitation of the vacuum. Planck’s constant is defining the minimal possible excitation of the vacuum from the point of quantum mechanics. The mass gap problem can be solved in quantum mechanics by the formulation of the photon’s mass according to the Planck–Einstein relation.


Le problème de l'écart de masse consiste à définir la constante qui définit l'excitation minimale du vide. La constante de Planck définit l'excitation minimale possible du vide à partir du point de la mécanique quantique. Le problème de l'écart de masse peut être résolu en mécanique quantique par la formulation de la masse du photon selon la relation de Planck-Einstein.


Key words : Mass Gap Problem; Planck–Einstein Relation; Superfluid Quantum Space; Bijectivity; Falsifiability.

Received: May 19, 2021; Accepted: July 21, 2021; Published Online: August 23, 2021


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b)This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.