15. Cyrus Master Khodabakhsh, Michelson–Morley experiment and a new analysis

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Volume 30: Pages 444-446, 2017


Michelson–Morley experiment and a new analysis


Cyrus Master Khodabakhsha)


School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Western Sydney University, 4 Hood Ave., Rodd Point, New South Wales 2046, Australia


This paper endeavors to explain why light and elementary particles have dual wave and particle characteristics, and proposes a physical interpretation of Huygens’ principle. It also explains why the famous Michelson and Morley experiment did not give the expected result.


Cet article tente d'expliquer pourquoi la lumière et les particules élémentaires ont caractéristiques double d’onde et de particules, et propose une interprétation physique du principe de Huygens. Il explique aussi pourquoi la fameuse expérience de Michelson et Morley n'a pas donné le résultat attendu.


Key words: Ether: Dual Wave–Particle Characteristic; Michelson–Morley Experiment; Huygens’ Principle; Null Result of M–M Experiment; Fizeau’s Experiment; Special Relativity; Ether Drag.


Received: May 4, 2017; Accepted: October 26, 2017; Published Online: November 13, 2017


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