Volume 27: Pages 36-37, 2014
A new interaction by active space
M. Lunettaa)
Caixa Postal 1144-Centro-Joa˜o Pessoa-PB, CEP 58010-970, Brazil
We show, in this paper, that the active space, source of Inertia, is also the origin of a new interaction, quantitatively equal to gravitational phenomena, between any mass M and the mass me of the electron.
Dans cet article, nous allons démontrer que l’espace actif, source de l’inertie, est aussi à l’origine d’une nouvelle interaction, quantitativement égale aux phénomènes gravitationnels, entre une masse M quelconque et la masse me de l’électron.
Key words: Gravitational Force; Inertial Force; Active Space; Schrödinger Equation.
Received: July 25, 2008; Accepted: November 17, 2013; Published Online: March 5, 2014
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