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Volume 12: Pages 570-587, 1999
Local Consistency and Global Inconsistency from “Hegelian Realistic” Versions of Quantum Mechanics and of Special Relativity
William M. Honig
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia
A detailed explanation is given of a new way to define axioms and a logical structure for conflictual theories that are both locally consistent and globally inconsistent. This applies to quantum mechanics and also to the special theory of relativity. It is based on the Hegelian dialectic, number/set theory, transfinite ordinals, and new meanings for exponentials and imaginaries.
Keywords: Hegelian dialectics, thesis‐antithesis arena, algebraic logic, forcing, imaginary numbers/exponentials as logic symbols, transfinite number fields for natural laws, Boolean and non‐Boolean fields, transfinite ordinals
Received: August 11, 1999; Published online: December 15, 2008