17. N. Scherer, B. Krässig, V. Schmidt,

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Volume 13: Pages 458-464, 2000

StateDependent Strengths in Direct 2p Photo Double Ionization of Neon

N. Scherer 1, B. Krässig 2, V. Schmidt 3

1Fakultät für Physik, HermannHerderStr. 3, D79104 Freiburg, Germany

2Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439 U.S.A.

3Fakultät für Physik, HermannHerderStr. 3, D79104 Freiburg, Germany

We report tripledifferential crosssection measurements for the three 2p4 2S+1L final states of direct photo double ionization in neon. Through comparison with a measurement under equivalent experimental conditions in helium and through numerical integrations of the parameterizations for the respective cross sections, all of the reported data are simultaneously put on an absolute scale, and absolute values for the statedependent total cross sections in neon are given. The total cross sections are in agreement with a calculation for the direct process performed in manybody perturbation theory and show that a large fraction of the observed doubly charged ion yield is attributable to indirect twostep double ionization.

Keywords: photo double ionization in neon, statedependent tripledifferential and total cross sections, direct and sequential processes

Received: April 18, 2000; Published online: December 15, 2008