5. C. D. Lin, Toru Morishita, Few‐Body Problems: The Hyperspherical Way

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Volume 13: Pages 367-376, 2000

FewBody Problems: The Hyperspherical Way

C. D. Lin 1, Toru Morishita

1Department of Physics, 116 Cardwell Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506 U.S.A.

2Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, University of ElectroCommunications, 151 Chofugaoka, Chofu shi 1828585, Japan

Hyperspherical coordinates were first introduced by Fano in the 1960s to understand the basic properties of doubly excited states of helium atoms. In the past few decades, this approach has been refined and extended to a broad range of fewbody atomic and molecular systems. The success story of this general method as first laid out by Fano is reviewed.

Keywords: atomic structure, spectroscopy, manybody physics, hyperspherical

Received: August 3, 2000; Published online: December 15, 2008