16 PDF - Jaroslav Hynecek, Kepler’s third law for circular orbits derived in metric theory of gravity

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Volume 23: Pages 502-505, 2010

Kepler’s third law for circular orbits derived in metric theory of gravity

Jaroslav Hynecek 1

1905 Pampa Drive, Allen, Texas 75013, USA

In this paper, Kepler’s third law is derived for the circular orbits using two different metrics and compared with Kepler’s third law derived from the Newtonian physics. It is found that the mass of the Sun is slightly underestimated when using the traditional calculations, which may affect the calculations of trajectories of space probes trying to reach other planets of our Solar System and beyond.

Keywords: Kepler’s Third Law, Relativistic Kepler’s Third Law, Schwarzschild Metric, Metric Theory of Gravity

Received: January 23, 2010; Accepted: July 6, 2010; Published Online: August 4, 2010