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1. J. J. Bevelacqua, Superheavy Nuclei VII: 1100 ≤ A
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2. John P. Basart and Mani Mina, Relativistic impedance change of compressed space
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3. Hossien Hossieni, J. M. A. Fatah, Sarwar Mohammad, and Mohammad Naby, From Hyperion to photon, a brief survey in the timeline of photon
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4. Masanori Sato, Comment on “First order ether drift experiment” [Phys. Essays 23, 473 (2010)]
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5. Avril Styrman, Relativity vs. absolute simultaneity: Varying flow of time or varying frequency?
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6. Brian B. K. Min, Relativistic fields allowing spontaneous transformation between mass and charge
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7. Stephen J. Crothers, Minkowski–Einstein spacetime: Insight from the Pythagorean theorem
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8. Reiner Georg Ziefle, The essence of the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein
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9. Georg Lentze, A new model to explain the forces between moving charges
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10. Jon C. Freeman, A new investigation into an unresolved mathematical procedure in the 1905 paper on special relativity
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11. Shukri Klinaku, The second postulate of the special theory of relativity is true, but it does not lead to the theory
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12. Alexandre Georges, Incompatibility between Einstein’s general relativity and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
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13. Richard Oldani, Noninertial clocks
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14. Nathan Witkin, Resistance to the accelerating expansion of the universe by objects with mass as the cause of gravitation
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15. Valeriy V. Dvoeglazov, A note on noncommutativity
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16. Diego J. Castaño, The physics of moving bodies
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17. Vasily L. Yanchilin, The chaos formula and the experimental verification of Mach’s principle
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18. Conrad Ranzan, Natural mechanism for the generation and emission of extreme energy particles
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19. J. J. Bevelacqua, Candidate potential for studies of A≥1200 superheavy nuclei
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