Volume 23: Pages 442-450, 2010
Proposed experiment for detection of absolute motion
G. S. Sandhu 1
1K. No. 48, Sector-61, S. A. S. Nagar, Mohali, Punjab 160062, India
According to special theory of relativity, all motion is relative and existence of any privileged or absolute inertial frame of reference, which could be practically distinguished from all other inertial frames, is ruled out. However, we may define an absolute or universal reference frame as the one which is at rest with respect to the center of mass of the universe and assume the speed c of propagation of light to be an isotropic universal constant in that frame. Any motion with respect to such a reference frame will be called “absolute motion.” The proposed experiment establishes the feasibility of detection of such an absolute motion by measuring the up-link and down-link signal propagation times between two fixed points on the surface of earth. With current technological advancements in pulsed lasers, detectors, precision atomic clocks, and computers, feasibility of the proposed experiment has been confirmed. Successful conduct of the proposed experiment will initiate a paradigm shift in fundamental physics.
Keywords: Relativity, Isotropy, Reference Frame, Clock Synchronization, Absolute Motion, Pulsed Laser
Received: December 23, 2009; Accepted: May 26, 2010; Published Online: July 2, 2010