5 PDF - Harry Ian Epstein, The mechanics of discontinuous quantum motion (IV): The nature of light

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Volume 23: Pages 413-418, 2010)

The mechanics of discontinuous quantum motion (IV): The nature of light

Harry Ian Epstein 1

1259 Maple Hill Road, Glencoe, Illinois 60022, USA

Light is studied with respect to the mechanics of discontinuous quantum motion (DQM) (where space and time intervals change in an independent and alternating fashion). The foundations of DQM are restated and developed into a form of relational relativistic quantum mechanics. Within this framework, light appears to be similar to “atoms of action,” where photons travel infinitely fast and are a consequence of how radiation is emitted or absorbed by a particle. A perspective of quantum entanglement will be discussed along with an investigation of why photons as infinitely traveling action atoms are perceived by observers as traveling at the speed of light c. c is determined to be a universal constant of the diffusion process.

Keywords: Discontinuous Motion, Relational Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Action Atoms, Nonlocal, Thermodynamics

Received: December 31, 2009; Accepted: May 23, 2010; Published Online: July 1, 2010