17. Lee M. Hively and Andrew S. Loeb, Erratum: Classical and extended electrodynamics [Phys. Essays 32, 112 (2019)]

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Volume 32: Pages 417-417, 2019


Erratum: Classical and extended electrodynamics [Phys. Essays 32, 112 (2019)]


Lee M. Hively1,a) and Andrew S. Loebl2


14947 Ardley Drive, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80922, USA

29325 Briarwood Blvd., Knoxville, Tennessee 39723, USA


Received: June 24, 2019; Accepted: August 14, 2019; Published Online: September 18, 2019


a) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.