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Volume 11: Pages 600-608, 1998
Wave Equations from Laplacian and D'Alembertian Quantum Potentials
William M. Honig
Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia
Equating Laplacian quantum potentials to ħω/2 can give spatial or standing‐wave electromagnetic wave equation solutions. Equating D'Alembertian quantum potentials to ħω/2 gives space‐time electromagnetic wave equation solutions. Both continuous and discontinuous versions of these are discussed based on realistic fluid explanations, since canonical quantum mechanics explanations were not found. These are discussed with reference to the simple example of a rebounding droplet electron between two walls (called the tennis ball example). The Hamiltonians for each detail of this example are also given. Finally, in the Appendix, a necessary capsule description of photex vs. photon and droplet vs. bubble electrons, and conflictual theories in the Hegelian Sequence are given.
Keywords: discrete half‐wavelength dipole electromagnetic waves, photex, soliton, wavelet, window functions, nonlinear vortex shedding, realistic inelastic electron droplet collisions, tennis ball example, photex vs. photon, droplet vs. bubble electrons, conflictual theories in the Hegelian Sequence
Received: August 18, 1998; Published online: December 15, 2008