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Volume 11: Pages 492-503, 1998
On the Space of a Hadron in the Multiparticle Production System
Chun‐hsien Lee
Department of Optics, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, People's Republic of China
We make two fundamental assumptions in this paper: (I) For a collision of a pair of given incident particles, the number of stable hadrons in the final state in a reaction is a function of the incident energy and impact parameter; (II) If stable hadrons A, B, C,… in the final state are produced at the same incident energy and impact parameter when they are at rest relative to eachother, the spaces of A, B, C,… are the same space. According to Einstein's concept of space and fundamental assumption (I), we find that the space of the hadron relates to the incident energy and impact parameter. Based on the two fundamental assumptions, we find that the relation between measuring rods of different spaces of hadron is fv = M/N. We conclude that the volume of all bare stable hadrons is the same, quarks will always be confined in the hadrons, there is a minimum measurable volume in the strong interaction, and the space of the hadron is quantized.
Keywords: multiparticle production system, reaction box, space of a hadron, rigid body, Einstein's concept of space, Euclidean space, measuring rod, volume of a bare hadron, incident energy, impact parameter
Received: September 15, 1995; Published online: December 15, 2008