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Volume 37: Pages 83-90, 2024
Aether dynamics: Aether destruction and the expansion of the universe. A new theory
Peter M. Atkinson1,a)and Samuel Nlend2,b)
1Target Laboratory, No 33, Louie Avenue, Northcliffe, 2195 Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
2Centre for Telecommunications, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Johannesburg, No 28, First Street, Orange Grove, 2192 Johannesburg, South Africa
A new theory is presented to explain the expansion of the universe. The theory is based on the aether destructive theory of gravity, which states that gravity is due to aether destruction within all objects. In the case of an object such as the earth, aether is destroyed within the earth. Aether then accelerates into the earth from outer space, creating an accelerating aether flow into the earth. Any object, such as the moon, caught in this accelerating aether flow will be pushed towards the earth. This process is the fundamental cause of gravity. As a result of aether destruction, and no immediate replacement, aether density throughout the universe gradually decreases. This results in a gradual fall in the strength of gravity. All celestial objects are in orbit around other celestial objects. As the force of gravity falls, orbiting objects move away from each other in order to keep the balance between centrifugal and centripetal forces intact. We propose that this fall in gravitational strength is the cause of the expansion of the universe. The conditions and the reason for that fall caused by the aether dynamic are given. To understand our model, we suggest a study based on a closed group of selected celestial objects orbiting around one another, and the accelerating expansion of the universe is due to the weakening of the gravitational force between the selected objects and their center, which is later inferred between this center and the rest of the universe.
Nous présentons une nouvelle théorie expliquant l’expansion de l’univers. Cette théorie, qui lie la notion de gravité a la destruction de l’éther, stipule que la force de gravité est causée par la destruction de l’éther à l’intérieur des objets. Par suite de la destruction de l’éther dans un objet comme la terre, l’éther accélère en direction du centre de la terre, créant ainsi un écoulement accélératif. Tout objet, la lune par exemple, pris dans cet écoulement est poussé vers la terre. C’est la cause fondamentale de la force de gravité. La conséquence de la destruction sans remplacement de l’éther entraine la diminution graduelle de sa densité dans l’univers, résultant a la diminution de la force de gravité. Tous les objets célestes orbitent autour d'autres objets. À la suite de la diminution de la force de gravité, les objets orbitant d'autres objets s’écartent en vue de garder intact l’équilibre entre la force centrifuge et la force centripète. Nous proposons que cette diminution de la force de gravité est la cause de l'expansion de l'univers. Pour comprendre notre modèle, nous suggérons une étude basée sur un group ferme d’objets célestes sélectionnés orbitant l’un autour de l’autre, et l'accélération de l’expansion de l'univers est due à l'affaiblissement de la force gravitationnelle entre les objets sélectionnés et leur centre, qui est par la suite inféré entre ce centre et le reste de l'univers.
Key words: Expansion of the Universe; Hubble’s Constant; Gravitational Strength; Accelerating Aether; Ather Destruction; Speed of Light; Zero-Velocity Surface.
Received: November 7, 2021, Accepted: January 20 2024; Published Online: March 12, 2024
a)This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
b)This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.