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Volume 12: Pages 283-292, 1999
Time Conservation and Intensity of Energy Emission in Simple Quantum Systems
S. Olszewski
Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science 44/52 Kasprzaka, 01‐224 Warsaw, Poland
The intensity of the emission spectrum of two simple quantum systems, namely the linear harmonic oscillator and the particle in a potential box, is approached on the basis of a semiclassical formula into which enter (i) the energy differences of the quantum levels and (ii) the differences between the time periods characteristic for these levels. The discrete time periods characteristic of the quantum levels behave similarly to the energy eigenvalues of these levels, so the conservation of energy in a transition is accompanied by a similar conservation of the time periods. In the case of transitions between high quantum levels, a remarkable agreement is obtained for the intensities calculated from the semiclassical time periods and similar intensities based on the well‐known dipole approximation of the quantum‐mechanical time‐dependent perturbation theory. The selection rules entering the quantum‐mechanical theory are assumed as granted in the semiclassical calculations.
Keywords: time periods, time conservation, emission intensity, harmonic oscillator, particle in a potential box
Received: June 26, 1998; Published online: December 15, 2008