14. Chong Wang, Further discussion on the double slit experiment

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Volume 32: Pages 77-78, 2019


Further discussion on the double slit experiment


Chong Wanga)


College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang A&F University, Lin’an 311300, China


In a double slit experiment, a particle could have three probabilities: the probability of passing through slit A (c1), the probability of passing through slit B (c2), and the probability of not passing through any slit (c3) with c1+ c2+ c3 = 1 holding. Analysis showed that the probability of finding a particle in the screen when two slits opened simultaneously was greater than when only one slit opened; as long as the time that the two slits opened simultaneously was long enough, the particle interference phenomenon should occur with certainty.


Dans une expérience à double fente, une particule pourrait avoir trois probabilités: la probabilité de traverser la fente A, celle de traverser la fente B  et celle de ne traverser aucune fente. L'analyse a montré que la probabilité de trouver une particule dans l'écran lorsque deux fentes s'ouvraient simultanément était plus grande que lors de l’ouverture d’une seule fente. A condition que le temps d'ouverture simultanée des deux fentes est suffisant, le phénomène d'interférence de particules doit se produire avec certitude.


Key words: Double Slit Experiment; Particle Probability; Particle Interference.


Received: October 22, 2018; Accepted: January 19, 2019; Published Online: February 11, 2019


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