19. Manuel Ricou, On the speed of light

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Volume 30: Pages 461-468, 2017


On the speed of light


Manuel Ricoua)


Departamento de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal


We present a straightforward conceptual framework adapting the classical ideas introduced by Einstein and describe a realistic experiment to determine eventual anisotropies in the one-way speed of light independently of specific clock synchronization procedures. This establishes that we are not free to define either the one-way speed of light or time itself and must rely instead on further empirical observations to clarify these concepts, contrary to what was originally proposed in 1905.


On pre´sente un cadre conceptuel simple adaptant les ide´es classiques introduites par Einstein et on de´crive une expe´rience re´aliste pour de´terminer e´ventuelles anisotropies dans la vitesse unidirectionnelle de la lumie`re inde´pendamment des proce´dures spe´cifiques de synchronisation des horloges utilise´es. Ceci e´tablit que nous ne sommes pas libres de de´finir la vitesse unidirectionnelle de la lumie`re ou meˆme la notion de temps et nous devons plutoˆt compter sur des observations empiriques additionelles pour clarifier ces concepts, contrairement a` ce qui fut originellement propose´ en 1905.


Key words: Special Relativity; Speed of Light; Clock Synchronization Procedures; One-Way Speed of Light Measurement.


Received: March 27, 2017; Accepted: November 9, 2017; Published Online: December 1, 2017


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