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Volume 13: Pages 465-472, 2000
Photoresponse of Condensed Matter over the Entire Range of Excitation Energies: Analysis of Silicon
D. Y. Smith 1,2, Mitio Inokuti 1,2, W. Karstens 3
1D.Y. Smith and Mitio Inokuti, Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 U.S.A.
2Department of Physics, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405 U.S.A.
3Saint Michael's College, Colchester, Vermont 05439 U.S.A.
Methods for the analysis of experimental data to determine the photoresponse of condensed‐matter systems over the entire spectral range are considered in light of sum‐rule constraints imposed by quantum mechanics, causality, and linear‐response theory. We outline an extension to elemental semiconductors of the self‐consistent Kramers‐Kronig method for constructing composite sets of optical constants developed in the 1980s for metals. Several new sum rules relating the refractive index at infrared wavelengths to moments of the absorption spectrum are derived and illustrated for silicon.
Keywords: photoresponse, optical properties, refractive index, dispersion relations, Kramers‐Kronig relations, sum rules, silicon, semiconductors
Received: August 13, 2000; Published online: December 15, 2008